Remember when you were a teenager, looking to buy new shoes or a pair of jeans?
Trips to the store or ordering from a catalog were likely how you made your purchase. Today we can simply grab a laptop or smartphone to place an order, and video is playing an increasingly important role.
82% of all global internet traffic will come from video by 2020
Videos help shoppers research
People research just about every product they want before buying, and the internet is making research easier than ever. Product videos have become the go-to resource for people looking for details on a product, since clicking a play button is easier (and more engaging) than reading through a ton of text. In fact, research has shown that 96% of viewers find video helpful when making purchase decisions online.2
You can use a product video to address FAQs, showcase key features and provide technical details – right when shoppers are considering the purchase.
By including a product video on each of your product pages you can easily address frequently asked questions, showcase key features and provide technical details – right when shoppers are considering the purchase. In other words, a great product video can help move shoppers forward in their buying journey.
Videos increase sales
A product video doesn’t just help shoppers with research, but more importantly is that it converts them into customers. In fact shoppers who watch videos of a product are 85% more likely to buy.2
And this makes sense. Watching a product video helps buyers better visualize what the product would be like for them — and that makes them more motivated to buy.
A video that showcases a product helps shoppers visualize what it could be like for them, which helps to eliminate potential deal breakers that may have been in their mind before watching the video.

80% increase in conversion rates when video is included on landing pages 3
Videos build trust
A great product video not only educates and boosts sales, but it also increases the likelihood that they trust your brand – especially if it’s their first time interacting with it. It shows shoppers that you empathize with them, understand their needs and have similar tastes.
It also shows how your solution will make their lives better. All of this helps them feel more confident, interested and excited for your brand for the long run.
The combination of visuals, audio and motion make product videos powerful marketing tools that are unlike anything else. Chances are you’ve watched them before making a purchase yourself and they may have even saved you a trip to the mall downtown. Regardless of what your product is, chances are a product video can help.
Discover why businesses like Walmart choose Sharp Eye Animation for their product videos here, and to get started on your own video contact our team today.
Start With Your Video Today
Let Sharp Eye Animation create affordable, high-quality video content for your brand!
1. https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/service-provider/visual-networking-index-vni/complete-white-paper-c11-481360.html
2. https://www.vidyard.com/blog/50-video-marketing-stats-prove-youre-doing-it-right/
3. https://unbounce.com/landing-page-articles/the-benefits-of-using-video-on-landing-pages